Carl Mathias Kobel

Carl M. Kobel is a bioinformatician and a PhD candidate in the MEMO group at NMBU, Norway. Carl’s perspective is that microbiomes are largely undervalued and that we should better understand the minute interactions within them. Carl adopts a big data inspired approach, enjoys tinkering with hardware, and building parallelizable bioinformatics pipelines to gain insights into large microbiome datasets.

First-author publications

  • Software paper: Kobel et al. n.d., “CompareM2 is a genomes-to-report pipeline for comparing microbial genomes” (Under review)
  • Holo-omics review: Kobel et al. 2024, “Integrating host and microbiome biology using holo-omics” (Accepted in RSC Molecular Omics).



  • AHC (Applied Hologenomics Conference) 2024, Copenhagen, DK, Presentation “Holo-omic Workflow Utilizing Network Analysis Reveals Compositional Bistability Between Rumen Microbiomes”
  • CGIF (Congress on Gastrointestinal Function) 2024, Urbana-Champaign, USA, Presentation “Holo-omic network analysis reveals bistability in the rumen microbiome”
  • AusME (Australian Microbial Ecology Conference) 2022, Melbourne Australia, poster and presentation “Holo-omics and host-microbiome interactions in the herbivore rumen (#18)”.
  • ISME (International Society of Microbial Ecology) 2022, Lausanne Switzerland, poster “Holo-omics and host-microbiome interactions in the herbivore rumen”.


  • NMBU Bio326 “Genomsekvensering; verktøy og analyser” 2023-2024 | Development of dry-lab course material and exercises.
  • Course in Microbiology at Aarhus University Hospital 2021 for MDs specializing in Microbiology | Rapid long-read sequencing of clinical isolates.


Conda recipe maintainer

Maintaining the recipes for the following Conda packages.


  • 📧 cmkobel near tutanota dot com

  • 📞 +47 9664 seven eight seven six